Our activities cover various areas around free knowledge
We collaborate with other organizations that help us to create and disseminate educational video content.
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We run workshops for students in order to share our know-how in explanation and video creation.
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With our partner, the UN System Staff College, we offer volunteering opportunities around the 2030 Agenda.
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We started our cooperation with Wikimedia Austria in 2015 by offering free video workshops for Wikipedia editors. Since then we consistently cooperate with different chapters, Wiki-projects as well as individual editors in various areas including video creation, workshops etc.
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United Nations System Staff College
The United Nations System Staff College and simpleshow foundation joined forces in 2016 to raise awareness for the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development. In collaboration with volunteer authors we comprehensively explain each of the 17 Global Goals in the form of simple explainer videos.
Learn more about this partnershipEducation Projects
Since the inception of simpleshow foundation we have been passionate about sharing knowledge. By connecting our know-how in explanation with academia, we create opportunities for every student to contribute to as well as access open knowledge.
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